Naagini S01E70 13th May 2016 Full Episode
Watch Naagini Season 1 Episode 70. It was telecast on the 13th of May, 2016 on Zee Kannada channel. Dev is with Bairava Baba when he discusses the issue which has been causing the problems in the home after which he shares specifics regarding Amritha as well. Baba accepts to come to his home to verify the information. One person taunts Amrita as she searches for her adversaries. Amritha is furious when she bites him. Eventually, the victim falls to his death. Amritha’s aunt then warns her not to show her face in front of crowd as it could create difficulties for her to reach her objective. A person who has gained his attention, informs his companion and they are followed by Amritha. The other episode, Arjun escapes from Mayuri before he sets out to seek out Amritha. Watch out for the next scene.