Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke S01E660 19th November 2014 Full Episode

Watch Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke Season 1 Episode 660. It was telecast on November 19, 2014. It was telecast by Zee TV channel. The character of Bindya doesn’t understand Mayank’s crazed love for Gunjan and she attempts to inquire about the matter with Mayank himself. Mayank then reveals the truth that Gunjan has been his wife, and she has lost memory. Bindya cleverly relays the information to Adi when she learns of this. Adi is astonished. In the evening, Gunjan again dreams about her dream of seeing her man on an unmarked bike and wearing an oversized helmet. However, this man takes off the helmet, and Gunjan is shocked to see Mayank in the bicycle. Gunjan awakes and decides to talk to Mayank but fails. Then, Gunjan pours her heart open in front of Adi and tells him she is not able to marry him because she is in love with Mayank but not him. However, Adi doesn’t take it well, and chooses to marry her anyway. Check out the entire episode. Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke celebrates adolescents and follows the life of two teenager girls: Gunjan as well as Rachna. The teenage years represent the actual start of the blossoming youthfulness and the experiences that happen in a person’s life during this time leave lasting impressions on his or her personality. Teenage years are the time when people face their first crushes and loves, regrets of loss, love as well as the joys of friendship emotions, heartbreaks, turbulent feelings, and rebellious thoughts, etc. This show is full of dreams, hopes, wishes aspirations, longing, and longing. The show aims to convey every aspect of our lives beautifully, and provide viewers a glimpse of the years of their life. The goal is to enhance people’s lives by providing a charming and enjoyable content that can remind them of those happy, innocent years.