Tula Pahate Re S01E98 3rd December 2018 Full Episode
Watch Tula Pahate Re Season 1 Episode The episode is 98. It was telecast on December 3, 2018 on Zee Marathi channel. Mr. Nimkar contacts Isha to warn her about the terms. Jhende says to Vikrant that Isha is in love with him because of the wealth in his life, however Vikrant dismisses the idea. Jhende is betting on the fact that she can prove Isha to be a bit naive and Mayra is a suitable partner for Vikrant. Vikrant invites Isha to his house and asks her about her hopes about her future. Isha would like to live an easy life, with a tiny family, regardless of the size of the home. In the next episode, Jhende slyly tells Isha she needs to know that Vikrant is requesting that she move to a different apartment and provides her with the address.