Parachute (Hotstar)
Parachute is an engaging web series that follows the lives of siblings Rudra and Varun, who live with their mother Lakshmi, a housewife, and their father Shanmugam, a gas cylinder delivery agent. Despite his modest income, Shanmugam sends his children to an elite school but struggles with a short temper, often resorting to physical punishment when Varun misbehaves. The series takes a dramatic turn when Rudra and Varun embark on a small adventure with their father’s bike, Parachute, but things go awry when the bike slips out of their control, leading to a cascade of challenges. Tune in to Parachute to see how the siblings navigate family struggles and their unexpected misadventures.
Production Company: Tribal Horse Entertainment
Director: Rasu Ranjith
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